Summer School with Make it in Design
The Make it in Design team very kindly provided a fantastic pattern design summer school over the last few weeks. We had three sets of assignments, about two weeks apart and there was a Beginner Track, Intermediate Track and Advanced Track and there was a different brief, but within the same megatrend. I had only

A Mini a Day: Week 1
So, this was the first week of doing my ‘A mini a day, a letter a day’ and it wasn’t a full week. I definitely enjoyed having a bit of a focus to my doodling and I think, though I still did my normal random (mostly floral!) doodles. I found myself being more drawn to the

A Mini a Day; A Letter a Day; A Colour Palette a Week
I’ve decided to do a mini (*) and a letter a day for a while (I’m not going to set a specific time limit – I might do it for a couple of weeks, or I might do it for a whole year). So, every day, in the morning, I’m going to pick a subject

MATS Bootcamp – Jelly!
March has been all about jelly. I found the topic a little less inspiring than last month’s cuckoo clocks, but still ended up having fun with it (despite a crazy ‘other work’ month that saw me with very little design time on my hands). Fortunately, drawing, painting and making pretty patterns are all part of

MATS Bootcamp – Cuckoo Clocks
I am so very glad that I signed up for the Make Art That Sells Bootcamp, from the awesome and inspirational Lilla Rogers. It’s a long-term (runs over a number of months) portfolio-building session – not quite a course, but there are lots of course-like aspects. You get a mini the first week of a
I’ve been finding analogous palettes quite appealing lately and find you can still get a bit of pop without needing contrasting colours.
Studio envy
One of my biggest wishes (apart from world peace, universal education and an end to hunger, of course) is to have a studio in the back garden. At the moment, I make do with drawing and designing at my desk, where I also do my other job of project managing educational publishing projects. I also