Christmas Colouring Book (printable) available now
A little later than I’d hoped, but I’ve finished my Christmas colouring book and it’s now available from my Etsy store. Jam-packed with 25 festive Christmassy designs to keep you calm and colourful through the month. You could even print them out four or more to a page and use them to make Christmas cards

Inktober Colouring Book now on Etsy (plus free sample)
My (digital) Inktober Colouring Book is now available on Etsy to buy for £4 (plus VAT, if you’re in the EU). It contains all the drawings I did for this year’s Inktober. Some are more suited for colouring than others, but there’s a good enough variety of complexity, I feel. Flowers, Paisleys, symmetrical patterns, women,

Free Sugar Skulls Colouring Page
Happy Halloween (or Day of the Dead – sorry, far more scope for pretty colouring!) Time for a little one-off freebie. And watch this space (or the Etsy store) for a new colouring book coming soon with all of this October’s inktober drawings – some are more colouring friendly than others, but I’ll put them